Choosing a Provider
Because the Enneagram is not trademarked and there is no overriding professional body other than the IEA, anyone can, in theory run Enneagram workshops. Herein lies the danger! Enneagram work is deep and personal, even in more ‘light-hearted’ settings. To be assured of high quality and credibility, it is highly advisable to check out your provider’s credentials. We strongly recommend that you chose to work with one of the mainstream Enneagram schools listed above.
Check list for choosing an Enneagram Provider:
Are they accredited with at least one of the major schools listed here?
If accredited with one of the major schools, do they have professional membership of the IEA (as an individual) or IEA course accreditation?
Does this provider have other relevant qualifications or experience in working with people development and facilitating learning?
Do they operate within one or more recognised Code of Ethics?
Coaches, counsellors and business consultants may also have trained with one of the following:
Integrative-9 in UK and South Africa
Ginger Lapid-Bogda in USA and worldwide
Jerry Wagner’s Spectrum Training in the USA
Providers of personal, spiritual and professional development use the Enneagram in different ways. Some versions of the Enneagram are pragmatic, practical and quick to learn; they are useful to help us understand difference in behaviour between people. However, they may run the risk of stereotyping the 9 types because they look only at behaviour, not underlying motivation. People of different types may behave in similar ways, but for very different reasons.